Mesothelioma cancer, or malignant Mesothelioma, is a rare disease generally affecting the lining of the chest and/or abdominal cavity. Mesothelioma is mostly associated with exposure to Asbestos and can stay hidden in those exposed for up to 50 years. Around 2,500 to 3,500 individuals in the United States are diagnosed with Mesothelioma each year.
Mesothelioma is deadly. The average survival rate for people who suffer from the disease is about one-year; The five-year relative survival rate is around 10%. By the time the symptoms appear in a person to diagnose it, the cancer is often advanced.
Mesothelioma 1 can present unique challenges due to the long period of time it takes for symptoms to manifest. West Virginia lung cancer lawyers must have a developed library of product identification to represent the claimant accurately. This library can include labels, photographs of Asbestos products, and even advertising materials from 50 years ago or more.
Many of the primary defendants in Asbestos litigation are in bankruptcy, so claimants are often left with no further recourse than to seek payment through a bankruptcy trust
Development of secondary and tertiary defendants has become essential. Premises liability claims are now typically included in current Mesothelioma lawsuits. Many of the current viable Mesothelioma claims proceed against little-known companies responsible for manufacturing and selling Asbestos gaskets, packing material, and industrial insulation used in boilers, power plants, shipyards, pumps, and air compressors.
Due to the complexity and uniqueness of these cases, it is vitally important to obtain counsel who has the resources and experience necessary to tackle these difficult and challenging issues.
Contact Jacobs Law Office to sit down with Pat for a FREE consultation to discuss your case.
Call: (304) 926-6676
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